Von Carmen’s fantasy image of Kane is a world apart from the bare legged, hype haired, kick-ass KKK reality, the big girl is sporting. She sees her big girl still sporting a sternka, in spite of Ricky’s objections. She doesn’t see her big girl sporting rimless reading glasses, with schoolmarmish half-lenses and wire frames that hook behind the ears; instead, she sees her big girl sporting authentic vintage cateye eyeglasses, 1950s-era specs that are the epitome of sternness. Men and women don’t make passes at girls that wear glasses, except when said girls are sporting these stern spinster cateyes, these dominatrix eyeglasses, these reading glasses with clear plastic frames, these sternns.
Needless to say, the lenses are bifocals, and they’re not fashionable ultra-thin polycarbonate. They’re “regular” optical glass, and as such they are as thick as the bottom of Coke bottles.
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