It’s just don’t figure. This guy lives in a house that’s bigger inside than most Third World nations. With more money to burn than the United Nations. Yet he needs little old me to retrieve his snatched daughter. Nope. It just don’t figure. But a deal’s a deal, and my word is my bond, and I did promise that cute ass Fel Mason that I’d be her PI. This could be one promise I’m gonna live, maybe die, to regret.
Then, just like that. Va va voom. A veiled dame, in razor heels, walks on the scene who takes my breath away, along with my considerable misgivings about this caper.
My skins are intended to be worn as outerwear. Hers are not. Her Victorian-style longline bra and long-leg panty-girdle are legit lingerie. So it should come as no surprise that this underwear-worn-as-outerwear is trimmed with sculptured Black lace. And her girdle’s leg bands and her bra’s bottom band are just as binding as the waistband of said girdle. These smoothing adhesive MAX bands, with a bite, are frilly-n-lacy. So, move over bondage elastic and make way for the real deal.
Black MAX insets, you ask? You got it. Where there’s lace trim, expect lace inserts. And you’ll seldom be disappointed. Both her half-corset and girdle are decorated with very feminine-looking, floral print insets that are strategically placed and teasing-n-revealing.
More details. Are you keeping notes? Lacy body armor bespeaks of a woman who’s very protective, excuse the pun, about her femininity. A woman who always wants to project an image of being strong, yet feminine. A vain woman, but not neurotically so. A woman who, paradoxically, won’t hesitate to put those babe looks of hers on the line, come-what-may, when the situation demands it.
Yea. Now you’re getting it. Her half-corset and panty girdle are gartered also. This is a perfect segway into another tidbit for you to puzzle over. Why does her girdle have two downstretch panels: one front and one rear?
She sure doesn’t need ‘em to firm her already shipshape tummy and derriere. Ditto for her bra’s bottom band and her girdle’s leg bands. ‘Cause her midriff and thighs sure don’t need the sliming of said lacy grippers either. Don’t give up so fast. Here’s a hint. Think along the lines of, she’s a dominatrix. It’s why she prefers a panty-girdle to an open stretch girdle. And, yea, those Black MAX garters and inserts, whose existence you so correctly deduced, are the key to the answer. Still need another clue? Her girdle has stays, akin to those in her bra, for front and side boning.
It’s all about?
She pauses to adjust her LATEX hose for a Goon-pleasing look which any brute worth their saltines would also find most fetching. Her hose are the kinkiest-looking stockings that you can get. They’re Ona Zee’s “Thick Black Kiss.” These shiny, black rubber hose are being held up by her girdle’s suspenders, with a teasing gap of lily white flesh between the lace trimmed, gartered legs of her girdle and the lacy tops of her backseamed TBKs. In mimic of this, the suspenders of her bra are clipped to the lacy waistband of her girdle as if these garters were holding up said girdle.
The tomato, with the bazooms I’d love to make all-day-suckers out of, positions herself behind the tycoon and begins massaging his neck.
The tycoon starts the ball to rolling: “This Miss Kane is.”
“Dita Dahmane. Mistress Dita Dahmane. Europe’s most famous dominatrix. Founder of the Juex De Dames Cruelles. Editor of Le Catalogue Hurt. One of those biogenetically improved humans. The consort of mega-buck heiresses like Doris ‘Daisy Duke’ Kloster and Frau Anastasia Aukeman, just to name a few.”
“So you know, Mistress Dita?”
“No sir. I only know of her by reputation.”
“That’s something that we need to correct,” Mistress Dita purrs out.
Now I know for sure that I’m being played for a sucker.