He left the US and moved to Malaysia to retire a decade ago. Now, he lives in a $620-a-month apartment in the capital.

Business Insider

agoh@businessinsider.com (Amanda Goh)

  • Andrew Taylor, 70, left the US to retire in Malaysia a decade ago.
  • He now lives in a two-bedroom condo in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city, that costs about $620 a month.
  • “I probably would
read more “He left the US and moved to Malaysia to retire a decade ago. Now, he lives in a $620-a-month apartment in the capital.”

How ‘glacial’ Nicole Kidman became Hollywood’s most sexually daring star

The Telegraph

Tim Robey

Nicole Kidman in The Paperboy
Nicole Kidman in The Paperboy

Key Takeaways

  • Nicole Kidman has a history of taking on sexually adventurous roles in films, including her daring performance in The Paperboy.
  • The Paperboy, a 2012 crime drama starring Kidman, Matthew
read more “How ‘glacial’ Nicole Kidman became Hollywood’s most sexually daring star”